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 Coastal Carolina Chapter: Military Officers Association of America

Membership: Documents and Forms

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Application Form and Dues

For national MOAA membership you can go online to fill out the membership application along with your profile preferences.

You may join the Coastal Carolina Chapter by downloading either of the chapter membership application forms, completing, and sending to:

1. president@ccmoaa.org

2. or, mailing the Coastal Carolina - Membership Form along with a check to the address listed at the bottom of the application.

All new (or upgraded) PREMIUM and LIFE national MOAA (non-chapter) members receive mailed chapter vouchers in their new membership kits which can be redeemed for their free chapter membership. This letter also includes the name of their local chapter and how to contact them. PREMIUM members receive a voucher good for a one-year chapter membership, and LIFE members receive a two-year voucher.

Posted Jan 3, 20 by Mark Sandvigen Under Application Form Permalink 1578102476