50th Anniversary and Toys for Tots Luncheon
Thank you, Malcolm Roberts, for organizing the 5oth Anniversary and Toys-for-Tots luncheon Friday, December 6, 2024, at the New Bern Country Club. Also, thank you to all our members who supported Toys for Tots by dropping off Toys at the luncheon and other locations.
Attending the luncheon were Dena Kilgore, CAE, MOAA's Program Director for Council and Chapter Affairs, Jay Garbus President, North Carolina Council of Chapters (NCCoC), Jim Brumit, Immediate Past President, North Carolina Council of Chapters, Marine Corps Representatives Captain Nicolas Solomone and Lance Corporal Perry Industrious.
Christmas cards, including well wishes to the veterans of the Kinston Veteran’s Home were completed by the attendees. Randall Ramian and Karen Baskin delivered and distributed the cards to our veterans. Thank you to all who assisted.
Included in this year's event was the Awarding of: